Though the nature of being a college student is often transient, our desire for College Ministry at Church of the City Downtown is for students to know and experience a church community they can call home. You are a vital and necessary part of our church community, and we would love to be a part of your faith journey & growth.

Along with our Sunday morning services, we offer opportunities for both intentional Christian community and social gatherings. If you would like to find out what’s coming up and hear more about our heart for college ministry, see our calendar below and join our GroupMe!

The primary environment for students to grow in their practices of Bible study and prayer, experience meaningful relationships, and serve others is through community groups. Click here to join a Community Group at COTC Downtown.

College Ministry Gatherings (12-1:30PM)
These take place after the 11AM service on Sunday at Rocketown. Join us for lunch and community!

Kick-Off on Sunday, August 29th
September 12th
September 26th
October 10th
October 24th
November 7th
December 5th

College Events & Gatherings

There is value in finding community and digging in. We believe that joining a team to serve on Sunday mornings is not only important to build flourishing community, but it also allows us to play a bigger role in what God is doing through and in our local community. Click below to sign up to join a team.
If you have any questions, or want to learn more about college ministry at Church of the City Downtown, email us by clicking below. We look forward to hearing from you!