community groups

The way of Jesus is best practiced with others. Community Groups meet around the City to live out the values of care, mission, and discipleship.

At Church of the City, Community Groups are the primary environment for people to grow in their practices of Bible study and prayer, meet the practical needs of its members and neighborhood, and serve the needs of the community at large.

In this season, we want to highlight that groups are active, open, and we are still in need of leaders. We would love to have you join a Community Group!

How to Join

Click the button below to find a group that fits what you may be looking for. On the next screen you will be able to filter groups based on location and stage of life.

If you have questions about joining a group, contact us at [email protected].

lead a group

We believe God uses ordinary men and women to foster the type of communities we see in Acts 2. To shepherd the people God entrusts to us, we need Community Group leaders who will take seriously the privilege of caring for the people in their groups. As we launch into the fall season, we are in need of more leaders. If you are interested in leading a group, please complete the Community Group Leader Application by clicking below. 

If you have a question about leading a group, but aren’t ready to fill out an application, please contact us at [email protected].