
Give Online

Simple and secure online giving through Subsplash allows you to give a single gift or setup a recurring gift.

give in person

Simply place cash or checks in the offering at any weekend service. Be sure to include your name and address on the check or envelope, so that donation credit may be provided for tax purposes.

Give by mail

Please make out your check to Church of the City and be sure to designate the fund or neighborhood church as is applicable. Mail to:

Church of the City
828 Murfreesboro Road
Franklin, TN 37064


Yes, all financial contributions to Church of the City are tax deductible.

Subsplash is the secure giving platform utilized by Church of the City to process electronic gifts. 

Yes, to setup online giving, you will need to create a Subsplash giving account. You can begin this process by creating a new gift above, and the system will walk you through the process.

Yes, yearly giving statements are made available the first quarter of the following year. To access your giving statement for a previous year, you’ll need access to your CCB (Church Community Builder) account. To login or create your account, click here.

Once logged in, click on your profile picture in the upper right-hand corner. Click ‘Involvement’ and then ‘Finanacial’ in the left corner. Then click the 3 dots to see your giving statement.

For more information on giving non-monetary gifts to Church of the City, please email [email protected] or call (615) 465-5000 during normal business hours (M-Th 9-5).

Questions? Email [email protected].