
As a church, we love the opportunity to come before God with our requests, petitions, and simply to spend time in His presence. God is moving in our community and is taking us to new places as we partner with Him in the renewal of our city. We would love for you to join us in our journey of prayer. Below are a few ways that you can partner in prayer with us!

noonday prayer & worship

Every week on Wednesdays at our Franklin church, we spend time in prayer and worship collectively as a church body. We would love to have you join us as we continue our journey into prayer together. You have the opportunity to join in person or over zoom!

COTC Franklin
828 Murfreesboro Road
Franklin, TN 37064
In-Person & Zoom

Morning prayer & worship

Every week on Tuesdays at our Spring Hill church, we spend time in prayer and worship collectively as a church body. We hope that you consider joining us in person!

COTC Spring Hill
4910 Main Street
Spring Hill, TN 37174
In-Person Only

Freedom Prayer is a personal prayer ministry where individuals can schedule a focused prayer time with members of COTC’s Freedom Prayer team. The main goal of this prayer ministry is to allow the Holy Spirit to identify and address things hindering a deeper personal relationship with God.

We love uniting together in prayer and we believe God responds to us when we pray. If you have a heart for prayer, we would love to hear from you! Please click below to connect with someone from our prayer team.

Do you have a prayer request that you would like to share with us? Our team would love the opportunity to pray for you. Please click here to submit your request.
If you would like to join us in praying over requests sent to our team, we encourage you to sign up below to receive our weekly prayer request email. We believe deeply in praying for those in our church family and would love for you to join in with us as we submit these requests to Jesus’ name. Currently, this team prays individually and not as a collective time of prayer on campus.


We would love to have you join us in the COTC Franklin Chapel from 8:15 – 8:45AM on Sunday mornings, for a time of prayer. We believe in Jesus’ prayer “on earth as it is in Heaven” and that’s our prayer for Sundays here at Church of the City. Please join us!


Starting on July 25, we’ll be holding time for pre-service prayer at 8:30AM and 10:30AM every Sunday morning on the patio at Rocketown (weather permitting).


If you would like to receive prayer from a Pastor or someone on our prayer team, we invite you to join us in the COTC Franklin Chapel immediately following both 9AM and 11AM services.


We love hearing the stories of how God touches the hearts, lives, and circumstances of His people. If you are willing, we ask that you please click below to share your breakthrough with us.