Welcome to KidCity!

KidCity exists to disciple families in the ways of Jesus. It is our desire to partner with parents in the faith journey of their child and to invest intentional time and teaching towards that mission. Though we recognize that parents are a child’s primary influencers, we strive to provide resources and experiences that further equip parents to be the spiritual leaders in their homes as they raise kids that know, love, and follow Jesus. Our Sunday morning environments are designed to awaken child-like wonder about God and the world He has made, as well as to share the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

child dedication

We will be offering child dedications during both services on December 5th to our stakeholder families at COTC Spring Hill. We believe that child dedications are a not only a commitment between parents and the Lord, but also the parents and the church. As the primary disciplers of your children, you are committing to raise them in the ways of the Lord and as the church we are commiting to come alongside and equip you. If you are a stakeholder, please fill out the following form.

Battle Together Mother/Son Event

This will be a special evening for mothers and their sons (pre-k through 5th grade) to BATTLE TOGETHER through various games and activities, including a Neon Nerf gun obstacle course! It will be an evening full of fun and an opportunity for moms and sons to build and strengthen their relationship!

First Time to KidCity?

If you’re planning your first visit with us, we suggest coming 15 minutes early to allow for plenty of time to register your kids and get them to their specific areas. If you have any questions prior to coming, we would love to hear from you and we look forward to meeting you and your family!


Safety is the top value in KidCity, it is what allows everything else to happen. We are committed to protecting each and every child entrusted to us. All KidCity team members complete extensive training and processes, including a background check, references, and a personal interview. We use a secure check-in system to ensure kids are checked in and out by the same individuals.

City Friends

City Friends is our ministry serving families and children with special needs by creating a community for these families to be celebrated, encouraged, and renewed. We are committed to partnering with families to ensure a safe and welcoming environment, complete with sensory friendly activities and spaces, trained volunteers, and experienced staff. If you have questions about City Friends, please email Jen Wright.

Parent Resources

KidCity uses Orange curriculum. Click here for more info on Orange. If you’re a parent, click here to download the Parent Cue app, which provides a variety of ideas and resources to go deeper with your child around the ideas we’re exploring in KidCity.

We want to come alongside you as you parent your child(ren). If you are needing guidance or resources for a specific issue or phase your child is going through, please fill out the form below. Someone will get back to you with information as well as offer prayer and partnership.

Serve with Us

In KidCity, we have the privilege of investing in the next generation of our church! Far from just being childcare, instead we are partnering with parents in the discipleship of their children. We have multiple opportunities to serve, across a variety of age groups and would love to talk with you about how you can be involved in seeing the fame and deeds of God made known to the next generation!

Contact Us

If you’d like to talk or pray with someone or if you have any questions please contact us at the link below and one of our team members would be happy to connect with you.