Support & Growth

support Classes

Celebrate Recovery

Tuesdays | 6:30PM

Celebrate Recovery© is a ministry to hurting people who are on a journey toward wholeness, seeking recovery from and celebrating God’s healing of life’s hurts, habits, and hang-ups.

If you would like to see what Celebrate Recovery is, you can simply show up on a Tuesday night. We would love to have you join us!

The Landing (CR for Students)

Tuesdays | 6:30PM

The Landing helps middle school and high school students travel the path to freedom, healing, and wholeness. This dynamic resource mirrors content presented in the adult Celebrate Recover program. The Landing is designed to lead young people in making Jesus the foundation of their lives, avoiding or breaking cycles of dysfunction and experiencing God’s healing and forgiveness.

The Landing meets on Tuesday nights from 6:30-8:30PM, while the large and small group sessions of CR are meeting.

Marriage Mentor Program

For couples desiring to strengthen their marriage, Church of the City Spring Hill offers our Marriage Mentoring Ministry. A trained mentor couple is assigned to come alongside other married couples for enrichment or crisis help. Pre-marital mentorship is also available. For more information please email our marriage mentor team.

Freedom Prayer

Freedom Prayer is a personal prayer ministry where individuals can schedule a focused prayer time with members of COTC’s Freedom Prayer team. The main goal of this prayer ministry is to allow the Holy Spirit to identify and address things hindering a deeper, personal, relationship with God.

Suicide prevention - safe talk training

September 30 | 5PM

SafeTalk is a four-hour workshop where you will learn how to prevent suicide by recognizing signs, engaging with a person at-risk and connecting them with intervention resources for further support. This in-depth training will help you have the confidence and skills to help someone who may be at risk.

suicide prevention support groups

Third Thursday of each month

We offer two support groups:

  • Grieving Support for Survivors of Suicide Loss

  • Support for Survivors of Suicide Attempts (family & friends walking with someone who is at-risk)

solo parent society

Solo Parent Society is a group of single moms and dads meeting weekly at Church of the City for connection, understanding, and support, and monthly for casual get togethers and fun social events in our area. 

Solo Parent Society is not currently meeting in person. For more info on how to get connected or if you have a need, please click below.

Wrap Around

Our Wrap Around ministry supports birth parents, foster families, waiting families, and adoptive families on their journey.

Church of the City’s Wrap Around Closet supports foster care families by providing relief through physical items. If you are in need of support or would like to donate items, we would love to chat with you. To set up a time to shop or donate, call 931-215-3764 or email [email protected].

Our foster and adopt group meets 2-3 times per semester to walk alongside others on the foster and/or adoptive journey. For more info, email Stacey Glass.

growth Classes

Intro to Church of the City

September 19 | 12:30PM

Learn more about our mission, vision, and pursuits in this course. You will have the opportunity to learn more about our church and ask questions in a smaller setting.

men's fall Ministry

September 2 - November 11

This fall you will have two ways to join us.

  • Bible Studies: Meet with other men in our church that will intentionally study Scriptures together.
  • Community Support Team: Men that come together to serve their local community and build one another up.


women's fall bible studies

Join us this fall for our Women’s Bible studies. We will have three different studies offered and hope that you consider joining us.

  • “God of Creation” by Jen Wilkin: A study of Genesis 1-11
  • “Women Opening the Word” by Cassandra Martin: A study of Elisha & Elijah
  • “Precepts for Life”: A study of Job


Women's Retreat

October 22-24 | Joe Wheeler State PArk

Ladies, join us for a powerful time of worship, teaching, fun, and connection. Learn more and register at the link below!

Marriage learning community


Our hope is to encourage married couples in their walk with God and their journey of faith, to bring strength and support to marriages, and to surround couples with a healthy thriving community of other couples.


Have pastoral care questions, needs or prayer requests? Contact our pastoral care staff at [email protected] or our Spring Hill prayer team at [email protected].