T0day’s Pursuit:
Unity of the Church

We pursue the unity of the church family across racial, political, generational & economic divides.

Psalm 133 & Mark 11:17


To see the fame & deeds of God renewed & known in our time.

“Lord, I have heard of your fame; I stand in awe of your deeds, Lord. Renew them in our day, in our time make them known.”
Habakkuk 3:2


Practicing the way of Jesus.

Pursuit One:
Presence of God

We pursue the presence of God through individual & communal spiritual practices.

Psalm 16:11 & John 15:9

next steps


As a church, we love the opportunity to come before God with our requests, petitions, and simply to spend time in His presence. We have several opportunities – before and after services, as well as during the week. Click below to learn more.


Freedom Prayer is a personal prayer ministry where individuals can schedule a focused prayer time with members of COTC’s Freedom Prayer team. The main goal of this prayer ministry is to allow the Holy Spirit to identify and address things hindering a deeper personal relationship with God.


In the months of October, November, & December we will have prayer & worship nights at our Franklin church. These are special nights for our church, we hope that you are able to join us.

T0day’s Pursuit:
Formation of People

We pursue deep change through transformational discipleship focusing on growth & healing.

Romans 12:2 & 1 Peter 2:2

next steps


We believe one of the ways we are called to practice the way of Jesus is with others in community. Community groups meet around our city to live out care, mission, and discipleship together. It is our desire for everyone who is a part of our church family to join a group and experience life lived in community. We’ve heard story after story of ways God has moved through community groups. From deepening the group’s knowledge of scripture to the privilege of caring for someone in need, community groups are the primary way a church as large as ours can feel smaller and more personal. If you are not a part of a group, we invite you to join today.


The goal for CORE Groups is to gather regularly with 3-6 people, ideally from your community group, to practice deeper engagement with scripture and prayer. We suggest these smaller groups be of the same gender, to press in together as disciples of Jesus.


We believe the spiritual needs of everyone is here can be categorized by one of two factors: Healing or Growth. We have many people who are here needing to heal, as well as some who have not grown spiritually in years. We want to help lead you toward transformation, the renewal of your mind. If you are in either of these sessions, we invite you to look over the classes that may be best for you.