find a community

One of our seven values at Church of the City is neighborhoods. While this might sound a bit unconventional, we recognize the enormous potential contained within each of our own neighborhoods. It’s in this context of community that we can build truly life-giving relationships and work together to love and serve our city. Church of the City seeks to foster the development of these relationships through three different types of communities.

Community Groups

At Church of the City, Community Groups are the primary environment for people to grow in their practices of Bible study and prayer, meet the practical needs of its members and neighborhood, and serve the needs of the community at large.

In this season, we want to highlight that groups are active, open, and we are still in need of leaders. We would love to have you join a Community Group!

learning Communities

Learning Communities exist to connect people through a shared learning experience over a specific topic – including finances, evangelism, the Gospel, and more. These courses usually last several weeks and take place throughout the year. To find out more about upcoming Learning Communities, head to the “Happening in Spring Hill” section on our main page.

support communities

If you’re walking through a difficult season, navigating a challenging relationship, or experiencing a crisis, we want to come alongside you. We’re here to listen to and pray with you, as well as provide trusted resources, connect you with other ministry partners, and offer Support Communities that meet weekly. View our available Support Communities list below.

find a spring hill community group